City of Berlin
Per (Peter) Johan (John)August SODERGREN
Birth: 6 DEC 1850 in South VI parish Ramsjafall Sodravi Socken (Sweden)
Death: 7 DEC 1908 - buried New Sweden Cemetary - Lockridge, Iowa
Marriage: Johanna (Hannah) MANSON (Magnisdotter) - 28 DEC 1871 in Ramsjofall Sodravi Socken Denb: in Lodhult Norrawi Socken (Sweden)
Hanna Birth: 11 SEP 1847
Hannah Death: 3 FEB 1939, Lockridge, IA
John's Mother and Father (Grandparents, Siblings)
Father: Peter Magnus Persson SODERGREN b: 4 APR 1823 in South VI parish Kalmar Lan (County) Sweden
Mother: Maria Charlotta AMUNDSDOTTER b: 6 OCT 1827 in South VI parish Kalmar Lan
(County) Sweden Peter Johan (naturalized name John) August was the second child of Peter and Maria and he was born at Ramsjofall (now Ramsefall) Sodra VI, Calmar Lan Sweden. Peter John, or John as he was better known in this country, at the age of 21, married Johanna Manson (Magnisdotter) of Norrawi Socken, Sweden. The services were held at Ramsjofall and were performed by Pastor W. Wiltner.
In the early spring of 1880 they left Sweden
with their four children and
arrived in America on May 5, 1880. Having earlier corresponded with a Mr. Cassell, they began their trip west to join his Swedish group at New Sweden, Iowa. Early photo of New Sweden church
After working for some of the farmers, they decided to purchase some land and built their home about 1 mile south of the New Sweden Lutheran Church, which is located about a mile west of Four Corners in Jefferson County.
John served as a custodian for a number of years at that church where the family was a member. John and Hanna farmed until his death, and the farm sale was held the next spring.
Hannah then moved into Lockridge, living alone until she was unable to care for herself, at which time she made her home with her son Victor and his wife Clara in Lockridge.
This couple found rest in the New Sweden Lutheran Cemetary.
The authors and family visited the Church and cemetary and
found both to be well-cared for and the gravestones easy to locate.
New Sweden Church and cemetary today.
Below:..... from a copy that someone wrote out on lined notebook paper,
the copy being at least 65 years old, and possibly translated from the newspaper article.
Their marriage was blessed with 10 children, 1 died in early years before the father
passed away, leaving me, a mourning wife, and 9 children, 13 grandchildren,
2 sisters-in-law, 4 brothers-in-law, mother and a sister, 3 brothers in Sweden,
1 brother and 1 sister in this country.
His health has ben bad for many years, but he has carried his sufferings with patience, but longs home to be with Jesus whom he loved. Vi don't mourn as those mourn who have no hope. Psalm 499. Farewell, yes farewell, in a short while we will see you, oh husband, again yet a few days of frustrations and struggle, then we shall also pass away in peace to the home up there.
New Sweden, Ia, December 30, 1908
"Hannah Sodergren and the children"
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